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Exploring the Databases


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A database is a collection of data or structured information. It consists of multiple rows and columns. Each row represents a record, and each column represents an attribute. A database may match the schema of an attribute that is a part of the Lakehouse, defining a common language for business data. Any data changes made through Lakehouse SQL will be synched to Lakehouse. The addition or deletion of records in a table through Lakehouse SQL updates the cosmos metadata.

To select and explore a Database

For every import, Skypoint AI adds a database to its analytical store known as Lakehouse.

  1. In the left pane, go to the Lakehouse > Databases.

The Databases window appears. The storage is organized into three layers, namely:

  • Bronze – Tables of raw data ingested from various sources in the Dataflow with every light transformation.
  • Silver – Refined and transformed view of the data for example after Map in the MDM / Stitch process.
  • Gold – Consumption and business level aggregate tables such as Profiles (Customer, Employee, Organization etc.), Timelines, Audience, and Metrics.

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NameThe name of the database.
Total RecordsThe number of rows of that individual database.
Data CompletenessIndicates the comprehensiveness of the data.
SourceType of data source such as connectors that ingested the data.
Generated byIndicates type of the data, which are either auto-identified by the system or manually mapped by users.
Edited byThe user who updated the imported data to formulate a processed one.
Last Refresh DateThe date and time when the database was last updated.
ActionsRollback to bring the data to its previous state. Its purpose is to reverse a custom action that has made changes to the system.
  1. Select a database to know more about the attributes and the data.
  2. The Attributes tab is opened by default and shows a table.

In the Attributes page, you will see a tabular representation of all the attributes present inside that entity with their details.

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NameShows name of the attribute.
Data typeShows data type such as String or Integer.
Semantic LabelDescribes the attribute.
Is Sensitive DataUse this property to classify Semantic Labels as Sensitive.
SummaryIndicates you with some important characteristics of the data, such as unique values, counts, nulls, missing values.
Group byView the items either in a list or specific Group (For example, Name, Data Type)
Back to EntityAllows you to go back to the Entity page.
Download as CSVOption to download the list of attributes in .csv file.
  1. Select the Data tab to see the details about individual records of the entity.

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In the data tab, you will see a tabular representation of the data with its values. The Column option side panel drop-down fields have a search functionality with a search placeholder. The search functionality has been made easier for the user by adding a search feature on the Column Options drop-down fields. Users can type for any attributes in the Column Settings field. This avoids the scrolling required for the long list of attributes.

To sort your Databases

You can sort your items in groups at one click. Follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Databases > Gold.

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  1. Click Name column.

The Groups get sorted in ascending or descending order.

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To download Comma Separated Value (CSV) file

You can download a CSV file (.csv format) that stores tabular data in plain text.

  1. Go to the Lakehouse > Databases.
  2. Select the attribute that you want to explore.
  3. Click Download as CSV in the upper-right corner of the page to download the CSV file.

After a successful download, you can open the CSV file. You'll find detailed information about a list of attributes associated with the database.